Friday, 3 July 2020

I have just finished reading: THE LIVING STONES by: (www.Ithellcolquhoun)

artist, poet, dancer, playwright and magician, Ithell Colquhoun; she regarded all these artistic practices as being related to her quest to connect with the sacred landscape and its wild things.  Ithell felt a profound kinship with the Cornish countryside, revering in the life force there, opening herself to the shifting of the 'landscape veil' to awaken to another-dimensional, experiencing the spirits of the valley and its magic.
In the Lamora Valley she identified with 'every leaf and pebble' and its caves, stone circles and holy wells.  She lived a simple life in a corrugated iron hut, painting and writing, in touch with her wild side, thriving on the 'valley of streams and moon-leaves, wet scents and all that cries with an owl's voice, all that flies with bat's wing.'
She was truly an inspiring woman who walked Wild Ways.